How To Avoid Hunger On The HCG Diet

by Stephanie

For most people hunger isn’t really an issue on the HCG diet plan. In fact many people can barely finish one of their low calorie meals because they feel so full.

But for some they are hungry, I suspect about 15-20% are more hungry than typical. This is of course considering you are on at least week 2 of the low calorie diet because the first week you are still getting used to the diet and hunger is normal the first week.

But to help those who are hungry beyond the first week, here are some tips that will keep you feeling full.

  1. Don’t skip HCG meals or any part of the meals.

You need to make sure you are eating everything on the protocol. Eat everything that you are allowed. If you do eat everything you are allowed you will be so much better off. Seems like a no brainer but I know many who will skip parts of the meals and then complain of hunger. For example they’ll skip the melba toast or grisinni, thinking they’ll lose quicker. Not true. You will actually lose slower if you do this and you won’t make the diet any easier.

  1. Spread out your meals

If you find yourself hungry during a certain time of day then you can spread out your meals. So if you are hungry between lunch and dinner then either save something from lunch and have it later, or eat something early from dinner. Doing this will help you snack without cheating and it will help you feel more full.

  1. Avoid too much physical activity

It is generally recommended to avoid heavy workouts while on the HCG diet. The reason behind this is you will be burning through all your calories that you eat and you will feel extremely hungry. So even if you aren’t working out, do look at what you do in the day. If you are chasing children or walking long distances you may need to add something to your diet. Talk with who you got your HCG from and they should be able to help you add in anything needed to fuel your physical activity.

  1. Keep your water bottle with you

This is a huge one! Most people who are hungry are not getting all their water in. You need about 64 ounces of water a day, spread out throughout the day. Keep a water bottle with you that has measurements on the side so you KNOW how much you are drinking. You need to measure it or you probably won’t get it all in. And when you feel hungry, take a drink. It helps a ton and will help you get all your water in.

  1. Is it really hunger?

Just because you feel like eating something doesn’t mean you are hungry. It’s probably just a craving or a habit. You’ll be surprised at how much of your eating is simply a habit and you even do it out of boredom. By keeping a daily journal of what you are eating, even after the diet, will help you keep all of this in check and stop the bad habits. It’s in your mind and takes awhile to get rid of cravings and bad habits, but you are on the right track.

  1. Keep busy and away from food

This relates to the last point and will make it even easier to avoid cravings. The more you are busy and not thinking about food the easier it will be to avoid it. Have you ever been so involved into what you were doing that time seemed to fly by and you totally forgot to eat lunch? That’s the exact same thing we are going for, but don’t skip lunch, just use your brain for other activities than thinking about food.

Using these tips will make the diet so much easier and much more enjoyable. They may seem simple but that’s because the most effective techniques are simple in nature. Use these tools to get you to your goal weight without the hunger.

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Ana Amat

I applaud the advice given here. We have several clients that purchase our HCG food plans and we are constantly preaching to them regarding the importance of staying busy and sticking with a consistent meal plan. At first trying to squeeze lunch, snack and dinner into our meal plan with the low calorie diet seemed impossible but once we found the balance of the right foods that complimented the plan the testimonials poured in. The challenging part, as you stated in your article, was getting the clients to change some of their poor eating habits. The HCG food list and menus we presented were met with some resistance at first but once we broke pass the poor eating patterns and got the clients focused on a healthy eating lifestyle the other pieces fell into place. Thanks for the awesome advise and we are setting up a link to this page for our site visitors.


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