How To 100% Guarantee Your Success On The HCG Diet

by Stephanie

Just about everyday I get a comment on the site from someone asking if the HCG diet plan will work for them and if their situation is special and how can they too can be successful.

Every day I get these. And since I’m blogging to help people I wanted to take the time to write this article to clear the air.

So listen very, very carefully…your situation is NOT different from anyone else’s and yes, this will work for you.

I can already hear you saying “but…” so let me explain myself.

I have not met one single person who has done this diet correctly, and not had success. Sure, everyone’s success is a little different, but everyone still loses weight and they are successful and can reach just about any goal they want. It may be quicker for some than others, but who cares, it works.

This whole HCG diet plan can be summed up by the Nike motto of “Just Do It”. Sounds simplistic? It is, but it works. That doesn’t mean it’s the easiest thing in the world, but it is simple and if you just follow the instructions there is NO guesswork at all. If the instructions say to eat this, then you eat it, if you ask if you can have something not on the list, then no, you can’t have it. Eat what’s on the list, do what the instructions say, and it will work. It’s like 1 + 1 = 2. That’s it. Simple.

I think the big thing that I see separate the successful HCG dieters and the non-successful ones is commitment. The ones who are successful just follow the instructions until they hit their goal. Simple. The ones who are not successful come up with excuses, don’t follow the instructions, and just aren’t committed. This is true in just about every area of life. The secret is to just keep going. And if you are committed then that’s not an issue. I talk to people all the time that say they have stalled for a couple days and they are thinking of quitting. What?! How would quitting get you to your goal? Any stall will be overcome if you just keep going. Be committed. Quitting is the ONLY way to fail. The ONLY way. Keep going!

So please, I’m writing this to help you. Get committed, follow the instructions and you WILL lose the weight.

Sure, you will come across some roadblocks, some tough times, so events that will challenge your will power. But if you really want to lose weight, if you want ANY goal in life, you have to keep going. You have to be committed. Don’t start the journey if you aren’t committed.

It’s like a road trip. Say you are in California and want to drive to New York. You wouldn’t start the journey unless you were really committed to getting to New York. Why would you start if you didn’t think you’d get there? You wouldn’t get to Utah and say, “Well, I’m not in New York yet, I think I’ll quite and go home.” No! That’s ridiculous. Even if you get lost and get off track, you can correct course and get to New York. You make a mistake on the diet? That’s fine, just correct it and keep going. No need to turn around and go home. Just correct course and eventually you’ll find yourself at your destination.

OK, I’m done ranting and raving. Make a commitment to do the diet until you reach that goal. Don’t let anyone or anything stand in your way. I’ll see you in New York!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Barbara Higgins

I totally agree with you! I am on a detox now and start HCG in ten days and know it will be a challenge as I work and live on a work site. I will do my menu plan and bring my own food in. That is the only way it will work. Someone said “that is a lot of work”. My reply was that I would do it for a friend or loved one, why would I not do it for myself!



That’s a great attitude to have. I’m sure you’ll do excellent!


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