Comparing HCG Drops Versus Injections

by Stephanie

Having unhealthy and unbalance diet has cause many people to become overweight and restless. This may have been a result of getting too much into the body and having lesser exercise. This inactive lifestyle has led to the unhealthy circumstances of obesity and being overweight. There is no longer time to do exercises and a well-balanced diet is no longer applied. Everyone wants to lose weight but on the contrary, their ways and manner prove otherwise.

One added factor that makes a person obese or overweight is their anxiety and desperate struggle to lose weight. They most often try to lose weight and on the process results into a wrong diet program which makes them gain weight more. The answer to this drastic dilemma is quite simple. Find a lose weight program that suits you best as well as provide fast remedy for your problem.

HCG weight loss diet is the right choice if you are considering efficiency, safety, convenience and fast results. It is a plan that comprises not only the use of HCG hormones but also a synchronized use of a low calorie diet during the complete weight loss management phase.

The HCG Sublingual Drops

The sublingual drop is as effective as the HCG injections only that the drops are handier to take and provide less pain. The safety measures in taking the drop are just the same with the injections which have need of a physical examination and medical prescription. The number of doses however is amplified into three times per day, 20 minutes before meals or after if elapsed to do so. The sublingual drops are simple, trouble free and safe to ingest because you take it orally. The drops should be placed under the tongue for 30 seconds then swallowed after the time is up.

The low calorie diet should still be practiced in taking the drops. It does not alter because it is part of the protocol to observe a low calorie diet which is free from fats, carbs and sugar.

HCG Injections

The most authentic method of giving HCG is through the use of injections which may actually be very effective. You only require one shot of the hormone per day for 45 days and that is as much as necessary to cause weight loss effects. However, not everyone is in good turn of having to stick needles into their coat every so often.

The procedure is painful and from time to time becomes very traumatic to the skin. On some occasions, there have been irritations and inflammation on the injection site and sometimes have becomes a reason for blood clots.

The HCG injections and drops are equal in their weight loss events. They can supply the weight loss program that you want not considering which method you will exercise. It is normally based on which mode you will be more at ease to use. It does not matter which process you prefer since one works just as effectively as the other.

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